
Who are you, and what do you do at Kavalri?

I'm Molly, a co-founder at Kavalri! I've got the role of vice president and product owner. In addition, I also do game design, game art, marketing, and communication.

What's the best thing about working at Kavalri Games?

To get to work for an incredibly supportive community that appreciates our work a ton. Our game is anticipated by so many, and that inspires me to do my best to realize the vision for Equestrian. It's very cool to see how Equestrian has grown from just an idea into a real game that players like. 

What about your job do you like the most?

I love to work on things I feel the players will enjoy: designing new features, working on horses, and other content. I love to dig into some very practical work like creating new horse equipment and then getting to share it with the player base. I think I'm as excited as our players about new features and content, haha.

What's your favorite gaming memory?

Probably the entire Zelda: Twilight Princess. The atmosphere, the characters, the story, the music, the horse – it's probably my all-time favorite game. 

How did you get into games?

My family had an NES, so I grew up watching dad play Mario, Zelda & Adventure Island. Growing up with three siblings, Nintendo became a natural family activity. Perfect for Double Dash! 

If you were a character in an RPG, what would be your main positive vs. negative trait?

I think "Stubborn" could be both a positive and negative trait! 

If you were given a billboard for many people to see, what message would you put on it?

Maybe I'd leave it blank so as to reduce some clutter from the street view. (Is that an acceptable answer? If not, I'll go with "Take a breath.”) 

Do you have a weird and unexpected hobby?

Since I started writing fantasy, I've developed an interest for old norse poetry. I compose little poems in the ancient meter "fornyrðislag" for my fantasy project, and it's quite a fun challenge! I like working with pre-defined rules, it rather boosts creativity.

What advice would you give yourself ten years ago?

No shame in remaining a crazed horse nerd even as others get over the "horse phase." Exciting things are coming, and you should embrace the quirks and interests you have.

What book would you give to everyone if you could? 

I think Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari could be interesting to just about anyone. It's an exciting and easy read.

What's the weirdest thing you believe to be true?

I don't know about weird, but I do believe less in talent being a key to becoming skilled or successful than I think many others do. I believe that interest and hard work will get anyone far in terms of developing skill! And we shouldn't let a "lack of talent" stop us from pursuing the things we want (though I'd never go as far as saying "anything is possible if you just work hard enough!") 

Best purchase of 100$ or less?

This little magnetic thing you put on the back of your iPhone to support your finger. Otherwise, these huge phones are impossible to maneuver for people with small hands D:< 

Do you remember the time you laughed the hardest?

I laugh so hard at Zoom filters turning people into Christmas trees or dragons and whatnot; it's just great.

Rapid-fire questions

Favorite movie of all time?

It has to be Lord of the Rings or Howl's Moving Castle

Favorite TV show of all time?

Game of Thrones

Coffee or Tea?


Spring, summer, fall, or winter?

Early summer

What scares you?

Any sudden noises or movements are jump scares to me

Cats, dogs, or both?


Favorite dish?


Favorite Lord of the Rings movie?

Fellowship of the Ring